B.I.R.D. Bash 2006 May 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th Sorry for the delay in getting this page updated, but FB and myself have been very busy with other things BIRD related and it has sort of got sidelined a few times ! But !!!! . The info you have all been waiting for ! The 2006 Bash update All welcome - if you're a "newbie" or not been to a BASH before, don't be worried We were all "virgins" at one point ! It's your chance to put faces to forum names You will be guaranteed a very warm welcome :-) Yes folks, as you can see from the dates, this is going to be another full FOUR day event. We are making the most of the fact it is a bank holiday weekend yet again. We are returning to the Thetford Rugby Club grounds and club house as it is conveniently placed for those who have to do all the organising, it is a BIG venue, has a good bar, plus the fact that Norfolk police are pretty laid back and let us get on with things ourselves.
Friday AThis year, instead of taking over the chinky, Aly and Mo are laying on a big buffet. The cost of the buffet will be £3.50 per
head payable to the girls on the night
This will once again be limited to the first 65 people to book it as that is all the restaurant can seat ! Whilst many people arrive on Friday ( the now famous meet up at my house on Friday afternoon where we completely FILL the square outside my house ) the official kick off is on Saturday at 11 am at the Rugby club.
Saturday At about 11.00(ish ! ) we will be going on a ride out of about 130 miles taking in some of the very best roads in Norfolk and surrounding area.
The final routes and stops has not been decided yet but as soon as it is all worked out the info will be on here. In the meantime, if you know the area and have any suggestions please let us know . Saturday evening is the big party, and we have been lucky enough to book the same entertainment as last year During the evening we will also have a charity auction but this will be limited to maybe 30 minutes as it was felt it went on way to long last year ( Sorry :-) )
last year we raised over £1000 for the charity and we are hoping to better that this year. Sunday Sunday is silly games time. Hopefully we will have a rerun of the twitchy arms race as per the Tail End Bash, the moped racing ( of course ! ), a slow riding competition, a welly throwing competition plus anything else we have time ( or energy ) for. Florida John forgets to bring the Florida sun with him !
Sunday Afternoon
Sunday evening we hope to be having some daft games going on and
there will be a Pink Floyd tribute band Monday Monday morning we will be having last words and pictures at the site, and we will be saying our farewells. ( though the Rugby Club site will be open to us until Monday afternoon, so there is no need to clear up your tents if you fancy sticking around for a while ) Who will be there ? Once again the we have asked the folk with the rolling road but gawd knows if they will turn up )Hopefully RG racing will once again be on site, and of course Jaws will get a fair selection of goodies up to the site for you to rake through. We are currently in negotiation with other traders too... Also on sale will be the BIRDWEAR Patches, Stickers etc etc. There may be a dirt bike riding stunt rider putting on a show but that is presently under negotiation.
Prizes and Auction items So far we have had donated a large anount
of goodies by Rhino, a goodly selection of novelty knitware by Ian Robbo
via his mum, and Richard66 who owns Thetford
Finishers Ltd from the forum has
donated the following for auction. If YOU have something to donate, be it something like a cheapo watch to another dread candle ( or a fish on a stick perhaps ! LOL ! ) please do get in touch with us. Remember, this is all about raising lolly for very sick children Cost Ticket prices are pegged at the same as last year as apart from a small rise, costs are pretty much as before for us. Ticket prices are £22 GBP for rider and bike, and £12 GBP for a pillion.. which includes the camping, and entry to the moped races plus all the other silly games and goings on...... Date May 26th to the 29th of May Though you can arrive on Friday afternoon and stay until Tuesday morning if you fancy !
Directions to the site: If you click here it will take you to the directions page.A list of local B and B's and hotels Click here for a list of local B & B's and hotels
Right, that's about all I can think of for
now, but as and when more info becomes available we |
Last updated by Jaws on Sunday the 22nd Mar 2006